Paul W. Bagnall
I am a Full-time Journalist living and writing in Maine. I write for the Bangor Daily News and its weekly newspaper The Star-Herald. I love writing about business, food, travel, education, and health to name a few of my interests.

Recent Works
Aug. 03, 2021
It’s an August morning around 9 a.m., and it looks to be the start of a partially cloudy day for quahaugging in Katama Bay as I ready the small Zodiac with a floating basket, square measuring gauge, and scratch rake.
June 23, 2021
Thomas Fantasia came across the collapsed Weety8 — a traditional tribal house — behind the tribal administration building on May 3, during one of his walkarounds in Aquinnah.
May 19, 2021
From the 1700s to the 1900s, Martha's Vineyard wasn't a trading hub for goods but a checkpoint for foreign and domestic customs, giving shelter from storms to merchant ships.