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Reporter - Bangor Daily News | The Star-Herald

JUNE 2019 - September 2022

I assigned to cover high school sports section of the Vineyard Gazette, while pitching and writing food and business articles for its quarterly MV magazine.

Freelance Journalist - Vineyard Gazette

JUNE 2019 - August 2022

I assigned to cover high school sports section of the Vineyard Gazette, while pitching and writing food and business articles for its quarterly MV magazine.

Freelance Journalist - The Martha's Vineyard Times

I pitched and written articles for the Arts & Entertainment, Community, Eat & Drink, and News sections of The Martha's Vineyard Times. I have researched island history for the community section, taken photos to go with some of my articles, and worked with an assigned photographer when needed.

JAN. 2019 - JULY 2019

Production Coordinator Intern - MVY Radio

I interviewed and recorded multiple sources for sound-bites for The Person of the Week and Cape Cod Current broadcasts. I edited sound recordings for the weather and steamship authority reports. Also, I participated in MVY Radio's fundraising drive by taking donations over the phone.

NOV. 2017 - MAY 2018

News Coordinator - The Berkshire Record

I copy edited press releases, calendar events, photos, legal ads, and obituaries. My tasks during the week were finding calendar events through rigorous online searches and information I gathered around The Berkshires. I performed layout design for the Arts section of the newspaper using InDesign and wrote one to two articles per week, while in constant communication with various sections of the newsroom.

APRIL 2017 - OCT. 2017

Contributing Writer - The Riff Reader

I pitched and wrote articles for album reviews, music news, and upcoming concerts.

JUNE 2014 - JULY 2014

 Journalist Intern - The Daily Gazette

I pitched articles on local events and wrote news briefs. I shadowed the sports and court journalists to learn about the beats.

JAN. 2014 - MAY 2014

Multimedia Journalist Intern -

I pitched and wrote articles for Amherst Media's website, while aiding in studio production with camera and sound equipment.

SEP. 2013 - APRIL 2015

Online Magazine Journalist - The Amherst Wire

I pitched and wrote articles for the music and food sections and covered an Autism Speaks protest for the digital-first, student-run magazine.

SEP. 2012 - NOV. 2015

Student Newspaper Journalist - The Massachusetts Daily Collegian

I got assigned, pitched, and written news and feature articles covering events on-campus and in Amherst, MA.


  • AP style​

  • Audio and video editing

  • Business writing

  • Copy editing

  • Final Cut Pro

  • Interview preparation and scheduling

  • InDesign

  • Microsoft Word

  • Photography

  •  Research

  • SEO

  • Website design


Bachelors of Arts in Journalism | Minor in English

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